Young carers and young adult carers update: summer 2021

Young carers update
The Young Carers Team has spent summer running the Summer Activities Programme, funded by BBC Children in Need and the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.
We worked with 11 artists and facilitators to provide 52 Young Carers with 19 days of fun, creativity, self-esteem building and making friends.
If you want to see an example of what we’ve been doing please seek out the Young Carers Jungle Peacock installed in the main corridor of York District Hospital! The Peacock was made by young carers working with artist Kat Wood over a series of weeks.
We’d like to thank all the amazing young people for your company this summer and also to the families for your support. We look forward to more activities coming up in October Half Term, and after that we aim to return to regular youth group meet ups.
Here is what the young carers said about our summer programme:
“Creativity is a peace of mind. It’s time away from screens and chaos at home. I enjoy coming here and spending time with friends”
“Everything is shining, I made a new friend and we both have things in common!”
“It was fun! Active and tasty! If I wasn’t here today I’d probably just be sat watching TV. To any other young carer I’d say – ‘give it a try’.”
Young adult carers update
The team has been busy running the Quilter Foundation funded Inspiring Change project.
In addition to providing 1:1 support to help YACs cope with their caring roles, the project has allowed us to provide specific ‘coaching’ to help set and work towards achieving a goal. Some of these goals have been about new adventures or enterprises and some have been about creating the right environment to be able to take a small step forward with something.
The Inspiring Change Project has also allowed us to put on creative activities and social events. Our CEO Carole Carole Zagrovic said of our Zine-making creative workshops “Its wonderful to see young adult carers expressing their creativity. They lead such busy lives, often in difficult circumstances, so it’s great for them to be able to do something for themselves, and the artwork was fantastic!”
We are happy to say that we have started a regular YAC Social, every two weeks from 4 to 6pm on Mondays in York centre.
Please check our Yac York Facebook or YacsYork Instagram for details. There will also be a Halloween Special on Thurs 28 October for Parent Young Adult Carers, free Cooking Sessions coming up in November and a Residential in Liverpool to look out for. See you soon!