Young Carers Action Day – Wednesday 13 March 2024

Just one week until #YoungCarersActionDay!
Join us in calling for Fair Futures for Young Carers.
Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) is an annual event organised by Carers Trust. It is a day of recognition and action for young carers and young adult carers across the UK.
We started our Young Carers Action Day celebrations last night with a youth club (LAFFS) for primary school young carers. The event offered a variety of activities including arts and crafts, board / card games, sports (football /tennis /basketball), baking and a gaming corner so that everyone had an activity to enjoy.
Our youth clubs offer a supportive and nurturing space for young carers to take a break from caring responsibilities. Our carer support workers are on hand to offer advice and ensure everyone feels included.
We have invited Pilot Theatre to our youth club for secondary school young carers on Tuesday 19 March, 5 – 6.30 pm. They are hosting a graffiti art workshop incorporating the YCAD theme ‘fair futures for young carers’. We have also organised a trip to Tenpin Bowling on Tuesday 12 March, 4.30 pm.
We are running a ‘Human Library’ Employability session with Next Door but One at SPARK for our Young Adult Carers (YACs) on Wednesday 13 March, 5 – 8 pm. The YACs will hear inspirational stories and experiences from a diverse group of professionals, particularly those who are or have been a carer and how the skills and experiences gained from caring can be transferred to the workplace.
We have taken action in the run up to YCAD by writing to all primary and secondary schools across York, not only to raise awareness of children and young people with caring responsibilities and the support that is available to them, but also to encourage schools to sign up for the Young Carers Challenge, to link in with York Carers Centre and ensure all staff are aware of the free training and resources that are available.
We will also write to our local MP’s asking them to register their support for the Young Carers Covenant and join the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for young carers and young adult carers.
If you are a young carer or a young adult carer, get in touch to get involved! Your voice and support will help influence change!