News from the young carer team

We’re all seeing the benefits of being able to safely offer in-person support sessions for young carers such as Walk-and-Talks and school-based peer support drop-in sessions. We’ve also restarted our in-person youth groups with a brilliant first session at St Nicks Nature Reserve learning all about York’s local eco site.
Our team are busy planning in-person summer holiday activities, thanks to support from BBC Children in Need. We’ll be holding cooking workshops helping young carers better understand nutrition; outdoor activities to further promote a healthy lifestyle and art workshops, to explore feelings and nurture creativity. If you have a child in our young carers service, please do return your Young Carers Service Annual Consent form to us, to enable them to join the summer activities.
Lastly, we said goodbye to Hannah one of our young carer support workers, who is following a career in nursing. Hannah has been a fantastic team member and we wish her good luck.
If you’d like to know more about our support for young carers please contact