What matters to you as a carer?

What issues matter to you as a carer? Come and share what you think at the Carers Action Group.
There will be time to discuss issues, input into developments and meet others in a supportive environment.
When: Wednesday 22 February from 10am to 12pm
Where: Friends Meeting House, Friargate.
The group is followed by a light lunch together.
Please get in touch to let us know you’re coming, on 01904 715 490 or sharron.smith@yorkcarerscentre.co.uk
Carers Action Group update
At our last group, we met Hannah and Helen from York Hospital to discuss the hospital’s visiting policy and the National Audit of Dementia care. We discussed John’s Campaign, and carers shared their experiences and provided views on things that would make a difference when the person you care for is in hospital.
If you would like further information, please contact: sharron.smith@yorkcarerscentre.co.uk