Let your GP know that you are a carer

Making sure your GP knowns you are an unpaid carer means you may be offered priority vaccines, and you could be offered other support, information and advice.
We recommend that you inform your GP surgery that you are an unpaid carer, and ask them to code this on your Primary Care Record.
Your GP surgery may ask you some routine questions before they can make the changes to your record.
How to inform your GP:
GP phone lines can often be busy, so a number of surgeries have a simple contact form on their website to help you register as a carer.
Alternatively, Carers UK have produced a template letter which you can give to your surgery to help you request to be identified as a carer.
To access the template letter either visit the Carers UK website to download it
Or contact our office for help: 01904 715 490 or enquiries@yorkcarerscentre.co.uk