Substance Misuse and Gambling Carer Support Group (in-person)

We run support groups for anyone affected by someone else’s substance misuse and / or gambling. Our Carer Support Workers and volunteers with lived experience can talk to you about your caring role and offer tips and coping strategies, as well as signpost you to other support services.
When: Monday 17 March, 12 – 2 pm
Where: Acomb Garth Community Cafe, 2 Oak Rise, Acomb, York YO24 4LJ
To book email York Carers Centre at or call 01904 715 490.
If you haven’t attended a group before, please email York Carers Centre at or call 01904 715 490 to book your place. You will be offered a telephone appointment with group facilitator Sam Sollitt before attending.
“I thought I was the only one in my situation until I went to a meeting and realised there were others like me. It helped knowing I wasn’t on my own.”
Read this useful article ‘What to expect from a Substance Misuse and Gambling Carer Support Group’ for further information.