Carers Rights at Work

It’s Carers Rights Day in November, and this year we’re focussing on Carers Rights in work, a frequently asked topic.
For many carers, holding down a paid job alongside their caring responsibilities can be complicated and stressful and they may consider that giving up work is the only option.
Knowing your rights and having the right support in place can make it easier to manage.
Find out more about your rights as a working carer at our online Carers Rights at Work event on Thursday 26 November from 10am to 12pm. Including:
- A talk and Q&A with David Scott with Hethertons Solicitors, about employment law including; disability discrimination and the Equality Act 2010, statutory rights in employment, and variations of employment contracts.
- A short talk about the benefits, to employers and the economy, of supporting working carers to stay in work.
- Information about working carers, welfare benefits and where to find more support.
- Virtual tea, real cake – delivered to your door!
To book a place contact: 01904 715 490 or email
If you can’t attend and would like information about your rights in employment, or, getting back into employment please contact our Advice Worker on 01904 715 490 or email
You can also see Working and Caring for more about carers rights at work.
Online resources for working carers
City of York Council have teamed up with Carers UK to give carers in York access to free, national digital tools and guides. There is a comprehensive section about Working and Skills including guides on how carers can request flexible working, how to get support in work and what to do if you’re thinking of leaving work. Visit, and create an account using York’s free access code: DGTL6282 .