Vision / mission statement
Our vision
Our vision is that unpaid carers, of all ages, in York are valued, recognised and supported to have a good quality of life.
Our mission
Our mission is to challenge the inequalities unpaid carers face, and ensure carers have access to support and services that reflect their needs and interests.
Our values
- Respect – all people involved with or affected by our services
- Enabling – support people to identify and develop solutions to their problems
- Boundaries – to retain a professional relationship with all those we seek to support
- Person-centred – to provide services that reflect the unique circumstances of each individual
- Empathy – to accept and work alongside all those we come into contact with, without prejudice or judgment
- Integrity – to be honest and objective in everything we do and communicate openly and honestly
- Quality – to constantly improve the quality of the services we provide, through seeking and responding to the views of those we work with